Facility Rental

Community Use of School District Building and Sites and Equipment

Code No. 908.2


Kitchen and High School Commons$40.00
Kitchen and North Commons$35.00
School Gymnasium with full seating$30.00
School Gymnasium without full seating$20.00
Multi-Purpose Room$20.00
School Classroom$20.00
High School Commons Only$20.00
North Commons Only$15.00
Kitchen Supplies$10.00

Add to above:

In addition to the above charges, a $30.00 custodial fee will be added, covering the first two hours of use.  For those who wish to use the facilities for more than two hours, an additional $20.00/hour fee may be assessed to cover custodial costs.

If the rental involves any kitchen areas and per the school’s license, Serve Safe certified nutrition services kitchen staff must be present for the purpose of safe food and equipment handling in accordance with the Iowa Health/Food Code.  School related organizations using kitchen areas must be trained to follow Serve Safe procedures.  An additional charge of $20 per hour will be charged for nutrition services staff.  If an individual/organization would like to have the school food service cater a meal or parts of a meal, that entity must contact the Food Service Director. 

School related groups such as 4-H, Girl or Boy Scouts, PTO, or other youth groups in the school district may rent the gym or classroom at a reduced rate of $10.00 per event plus custodial fees as per the schedule above.  These community and youth groups may have fees waived if approved by the Board or the Superintendent. 

Organizations renting school facilities must provide proper supervision and stand responsible for all persons and activities in the building.

Rental of the building will be handled through the High School Activity Director’s Office. 

Persons are responsible for any damage that they do to the building, furnishings, buses or books of the Central Decatur Community School District and will pay in full for willfully defacing or injuring any school property.

The lending of equipment to individuals in the school district is discouraged.  Equipment may be loaned to non-profit organizations of the community.  No equipment will be loaned to groups outside the district. 

Facilities will be rented to responsible adults only, and at the convenience of the school district.  It is the opinion of the board that the providing of the facility is a public service and a profit making venture, however, for the individual or organization renting the facility with the idea of selling admission to the public, the rent of the gym will be $100.00 per event and all other rooms will rent for $60.00 per event.  The school will provide custodial services per the schedule stated above. 

Request to Use Facilities

Code No. 908.1

General Guidelines:

  1. Alcoholic beverages will not be brought to or consumed on school grounds.
  2. Smoking and nicotine products are prohibited in school district grounds, including in private vehicles.
  3. A school district employee will open the facility and may be present while the school district facility or equipment is used by an entity.
  4. After a school district facility, site or equipment has been used by an entity, cleaning, including restoring the facility, site or equipment to the condition it was in prior to its use, will be done by employees assisted by a committee from the entity.  The fee charged to the entity for the use of the facility, site, or equipment will include these costs.  However, if excessive costs are involved in clearing or otherwise restoring the facility, site, or equipment to the condition it was in prior to its use, the board reserves the right to charge the entity for these excessive costs and may be denied further use of the school district’s facilities. 
  5. Entities are required to stay within the area of the school district facility or site and use only the school district equipment authorized by the school district for use by the entity.  Other school district facilities, sites or areas in the school district building or equipment are off limits to the entity. 
  6. A $25 deposit is required at the time of application to reserve the facility.  The deposit will be applied to the cost of the facility rental.  School and non-profit groups that directly benefit district students will be exempt from the deposit.  A cancellation after the facility or equipment is made ready for the entity will result in loss of deposit. Pay Deposit here.
  7. Serv Safe certified nutrition services kitchen staff is required to be present when food is being prepared and served to ensure the safe handling, preparation, and holding of food.  Also, safe use of equipment and proper sanitization of surfaces, utensils, and dishes.  All per the Iowa Food Code and per food license.

Contact the business office to make a rental request.