Feb 7, 2025

CD Dance brings home the trophy! Coach Chelsie Christensen and the Cardinal Dance Team recently traveled to Allen, TX to compete in a national competition, where they placed second in the hip hop category. The CD Dance team makes all of us proud to be Cardinals.
This was such a cool experience for all of us! After state competition we had the conversation about if our team had truly even wanted to go to the regional competition. We had this conversation because it’s quite a bit of money out of our account and we needed to know if everyone had time. Being that we went to regionals and qualified for nationals it’s crazy to think that we even questioned going. Placing 2nd at a national competition is huge. We’ve come so far in only 4 years, and what a way to represent a small town Iowa school. I am so proud of Chelsie and all the girls!
– Lauren Martin, Class of 2022
Going to Texas was a dream come true. After regionals in January, it felt like April 14th could not get here fast enough! Although we were counting the days, it still snuck upon us. As a senior, it was such a bitter-sweet experience. Finally, we made it somewhere, but it’d be the last time dancing with the girls I’ve been with for two-three years. It was fun jamming out in our hotel room making sure our eyeliner was sharp and our hair was big. Upon entering the building, the atmosphere was amazing. Texas people are so nice! It felt like we couldn’t walk ten steps without getting some sort of compliment or good luck from someone. It put my nerves at ease and I really felt like this would be the greatest we’ve ever performed. After we got off the stage, I took a second to feel what I was seeing. Holding in most of my tears, I hugged my family and our coach, Chelsie, I hugged my girls and absorbed all the love I could feel. The night ended with everyone giggling at the funny facials that were caught on cameras, dancing to the music they played, and a big trophy that said second place. It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it made me proud to say that I was and always will be a Cardinal Dancer.
– Carleigh O’Dell, Class of 2021