Strength and Conditioning Classes Build Single Leg Strength
A strength and conditioning student performs a safety bar split squat. In almost all movements that occur in sports and…
Senior Government Students Register to Vote
The Central Decatur Government classes recently took the opportunity to register online to vote. They took advantage of this opportunity…
Preschool Adds PE Class
We have noticed our students overall lack of fine (small muscles including fingers, hands, wrists) and gross (large muscles including…
Health Class Visits the Hospital
The seventh grade health exploratory students started a new unit this week learning about injury and disease prevention with a…
Central Decatur Wrestling Gear is Now On Sale
Click this link to order your Cardinal Wrestling gear. All orders are due no later than November 1.
South Elementary Celebrates RED Way Behavior
South Elementary Students had their first Red Way Reward Day on Wednesday, October 13. They had a Lemonade Recess! We…