Preschool Skates at Recess
Since it was too cold to go outside, Mrs. Marvin’s class ice skated with wax paper skates on the carpet. …
Digital Citizenship Lesson for Eighth Grade Seminar
Secondary Principal, Mr. Johnson, challenges a student in a cup stacking contest. Reece Tedford, Central Decatur’s Trio…
Little Cards Learn American Sign Language
Mrs. Sinclair’s Preschool class learned Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in ASL (American Sign Language) last week!…
Robotics Tug-of-War
As the robotics class finishes up for the semester one of their last projects is tug-of-war. The students had four…
Independent Ag Studies Spotlight: Aquaponics
Story and photos submitted by Devin Adams ’22. This year I have chosen to study and manage the aquaponics system…
North Elementary Music Students Begin Keyboarding
The third through sixth graders began their keyboarding unit last week. 5B did a great job playing a song they…