Central Decatur Celebrates Staff at Year-End Recognition Ceremony
The 2023 Central Decatur retirees were recently recognized at the year-end staff ceremony. Pictured from left to right are Becky Andrews, Greg Reynolds, Mark Huppert, Deb Saville, Sherry Greenwood, and Karla Hill. Cindy Havens and Mike Durell were also honored, but are not pictured. These amazing Cardinals have accumulated a total of more than 125 years of service to our district. Central Decatur will miss them dearly!
Several staff members finished their first year with CD! Pictured (left to right): Nicole Blackford, Angie Vaughn, Katelyn Young, Sydney Sickels, Carrie Coulson, Shelly Meinecke, Melanie Puck, Carter Wilken, Matt Colston, Lauren Palmer, Torrey Nelson, Maddie McCarty, Cayle Buckingham, Angie Buckingham, Dorota Bear, Coby Bates, Bailey Miller, and Shelly MeineckeThree staff members were recognized for five years of service (pictured left to right): Alexa Mendenhall, Ashley Dittmer, and Mark Dirkswager.Staff marking ten years are (left to right) Laci Erke, Cassie Havlik, Amanda Kelley, Beth Hearron, and Mary Wells. Not pictured: Bob Jensen.Celebrating their 20th anniversaries with Central Decatur (left to right): Bailey Cornett, Caessie Henderson, and Tracy Andrews. Not pictured: Brian Broich.