Jan 29, 2025

Another great Agriculture Awareness Day is in the books for Decatur County! Fourth and Fifth grade students from Mormon Trail Community School, Central Decatur Community School, Lamoni Community School and Franklin Christian School spent their May 1st learning about agriculture! Agriculture Awareness Day, which is sponsored, by Decatur County Farm Bureau, has been thriving in Decatur County for over 20 years, and we are so thankful for those that make it a success! This success would not be possibly without Karen Schuldt, who assists in coordinating the event. Not only does she help to make sure students expand their knowledge of agriculture, but that they also enjoy a freshly grilled hamburger provided by the Decatur County Cattlemen’s as part of their lunch! She also works closely with Leon Hy-Vee who provided bags for every students and helped to coordinate lunch! Some of our great presenters included:
Farm Bureau Federation
Lapland Tree Farm
Covington Jersey
Decatur County Soil Water Conservation District
Decatur County Extension
Leon Volunteer Fire Department
Blyzo Fish Farm
American State Bank
Sheetz Photography
Graceland Agriculture Business
Decatur County Conservation
Tylea Redman Dog Training
Kauffman Farm
Central Decatur Rodeo Team
Central Trail FFA
Lamoni FFA
Mormon Trail FFA