Feb 7, 2025

Story Submitted by Megan Young ’26 and Cortlynn Cook ’26
On Tuesday, June 4th eleven Central Trail FFA officers went up to Knoxville, Iowa to attend chapter officer leadership training. A total of 152 members from 29 chapters participated as well. Throughout the day they went to four different workshops that included collaboration, professionalism, agriculture issues, and being servant leaders. After the leadership workshops all of the officers got put into their office to do their specific roles and they got to learn more about the duties and responsibilities that their office holds. Zoey Hamilton who is the District Reporter, and our Central Trail FFA Historian states “As a member of our chapter, it was awesome to see so many of our people getting to learn and grow. While facilitating for the first time was an entirely new experience. With over many members present, it was super nerve-wracking having never taught before. I was able to teach with several other strong leaders who taught me so much. COLT was an awesome experience, and I have no doubt that all chapter officers could take something away from today that will help them in their year of service.” The Central Trail officer team learned so many awesome skills to bring back to our Chapter for the following year.

Zoey Hamilton ’26, Central Trail FFA Historian and FFA District Reporter, leads a session at COLT.