Dec 11, 2024
The Decatur County Farm Bureau strives to increase agriculture knowledge by sponsoring Agriculture Awareness Day every year. At Agriculture Awareness Day students enrolled in 4th and 5th grade at Central Decatur, Lamoni, Mormon Trail, and Franklin Christian School are given the opportunity to travel to the fairgrounds to increase their agricultural knowledge.
Students were able to rotate through stations hosted by Lamoni FFA who educated about Agriculture Mechanics, Swine, and Beef. Central Trail FFA educated students about Biotechnology, Horses, and Sheep. Mormon Trail showed students how to build a Hydroponics System and Small Animal Care.
Lapland Tree Farm educated about tree farming. Heather and Kyra of Farmer’s Bank of Northern Missouri taught students about Banking and Finance. Covington Jersey allowed every student to learn about dairy production. Farm Bureau presented an Ag Challenge Game, and the Decatur County Soil and Water Conservation District discussed soil quality.
We also had presenters providing agricultural knowledge including; Graceland Agriculture Business who educated about agriculture marketing. The Decatur County Conservation Board taught about the proper way to cast a fishing pole. Ethan Porter shared his knowledge of Taxidermy. The Central Decatur Rodeo Team taught students about rodeo events, and shared their passion for rodeo events.
Jack Van Laar of Decatur County Extension shared his knowledge of GPS. The Leon Volunteer Fire Department provided information about fire safety. TyLea Rippey showed students how to provide proper training for their dogs. Penny Sheetz and Maddy Leahy captured the moment by teaching about photography and videography.
Students and presenters were also provided lunch by the Decatur County Farm Bureau and the Decatur County Cattlemen. Throughout the day over 150 students were given the opportunity to expand their knowledge about agriculture due to the willingness of many individuals who were able to share their passion for agriculture! A special thanks to Jodi Smith of Long Creek Outfitters for providing every student with a bag to hold all of the products they received from presenters, Karen Schuldt for her assistance in planning the event, and the Decatur County Fair Board for allowing us to utilize the fairgrounds for the event!