Dec 11, 2024
On Monday, November 20, 11 students attended Simpson’s Theatre Festival. In previous years, students have participated in various workshops throughout the morning followed by viewing one of Simpson’s fall plays/musicals. This year the play was Into the Woods with CD alumnus Cadence Clark ’22 in the role of Little Red Riding Hood. Due to the longer run-time of the production, the workshops did not take place, but a question and answer session was held after the production. Students were then able to visit briefly with Clark before grabbing lunch and heading back to school. “It was really cool to watch the live orchestra on stage, and the special effects that they were able to do made it seem like a real professional theatre,” said junior attendee Reese O’Dell. The Central Decatur students who attended included actors, backstage hands, and make-up/hair artists who will take what they saw and apply it to CD’s productions.