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MSHS Seminar Period Allows Student Enrichment, Exploration, and Intervention Time
As many of you may have read about in the Cardinal Crier student newspaper or have heard about from a…
CD Elementary Honor Choir Students Receive BTC Area Youth Benefit Core Grant
Four students attending the American Choral Directors National Honor Choir in Cincinnati OH received a $600 grant towards expenses for…
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CD Welcomes Ms. Runkle, Graceland University Student Teacher
In Ms. Layton’s room this semester, students have noticed a new face. Ms. Mena Runkle from Graceland University started her…
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Senior Students Brighten Hallway with Mural
Senior art students Reese DeVore ’23 and Ari Nopoulos ‘23 accepted the challenge to brighten the hallways at Central Decatur…
CD Student Paints Stepping Stone to Be Set at Green Hills AEA Campus
Green Hills AEA is beginning a stepping stone project at their Halverson Campus, which will proudly display all the school…
Food Pantry Open Every Third and Fourth Wednesday
The Central Decatur Food Pantry is open every third and fourth Wednesday of the month from 1PM…