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Robotics I and II Classes Use Many Skills to Build Projects
Robotics I and Robotics II classes are both offered this year. Robotics II has four returning students and they are…
Junior Kindergarten Practices Fine Motor Skills by Making Applesauce
Junior kindergarten has been learning about apples! Students recently made applesauce in their own classroom. The students were in charge…
School of the Wild Wraps with a Visit from the Drury Outdoors Team
The fifth and sixth graders began their final day of School of the Wild ’22 with a…
Second Grade Scientists Get Crafty Studying Matter
Second graders have been learning all about the science topic of matter. Students read about matter, conducted experiments that showed the…
South Central CDE Day
Story Submitted by Lexi Jensen ’23 On Tuesday, September 20, 2022, Central Decatur agriculture students participated in the South Central…
Elementary Cardinals Join Together for Homecoming Field Day Activities
Homecoming 2022 marked the seventh year of Elementary Field Day Activities. The field day tradition began in 2015 and took…