Digital Citizenship Lesson for Eighth Grade Seminar
Secondary Principal, Mr. Johnson, challenges a student in a cup stacking contest. Reece Tedford, Central Decatur’s Trio…
Robotics Tug-of-War
As the robotics class finishes up for the semester one of their last projects is tug-of-war. The students had four…
Independent Ag Studies Spotlight: Aquaponics
Story and photos submitted by Devin Adams ’22. This year I have chosen to study and manage the aquaponics system…
Independent Ag Studies Spotlight: Sheep Production
Story and photos submitted by Elly Sheetz ’22 For my independent study, I have been focusing on sheep production. I…
Independent Ag Studies Spotlight: Zoonotic Disease
Lauren Martin ’22 presents a lesson on contagious diseases to fifth graders. Story and photos submitted by Lauren Martin…
Independent Ag Studies Spotlight: Animal Reproduction
Kylee Rockhold ’22 and Hallee Hamilton ’22 give iron shots to piglets. Story and photos submitted by Kylee Rockhold…