Feb 7, 2025

The seventh grade health exploratory students started a new unit this week learning about injury and disease prevention with a focus on access to resources in our community.
The students were visited by Justine Buckingham, our school nurse, to discuss First Aid techniques as well as compression only CPR. The students also toured the Decatur County Hospital with Shannon Erb to learn about the different departments and options in our local area. Central Decatur is grateful for the learning opportunities as well as the care provided to our county! The students had many questions, enjoyed the hands on learning and also learned about the career opportunities within the medical field. Thank you to the many hands it took to share their knowledge and passion of caring for others in healthcare with these students.
Health students visit Decatur County Hospital. Health students visit Decatur County Hospital. Health students visit Decatur County Hospital. Health class learns CPR compressions from school nurse, Justine Buckingham. A seventh grade health student gives CPR chest compressions to a manakin. A seventh grade health student gives CPR chest compressions to a manakin.