Jan 29, 2025

Rocket Math fact practice is part of math time for every Central Decatur elementary student. Students work through daily fact practice and take a one minute timed test to show their computation skill mastery. Students who meet their goal with no mistakes are advanced to the next level of practice and tests.
Congratulations to fourth graders, Kantar Dunbar ’31 and Daniel Murphy ’31 (pictured above) who recently conquered the multiplication 0-9 levels of Rocket Math. They have begun their division journey and sure to reach their goals!

Holden Linhart ’31 and Barrett Erke ’31 (pictured above) recently cleared all Rocket Math division for the 0-9 fact levels. The two are now targeting mixed multiplication and division tests.
Are you curious about your student’s Rocket Math progress? Consider asking them the following questions:
- What Rocket Math level are you currently studying?
- What level did you start with this year?
- How many attempts does it usually take you to pass a level?
- What facts are hard for you to remember?
- When would you like to practice math facts at home?