Jan 29, 2025

In Ms. Layton’s room this semester, students have noticed a new face. Ms. Mena Runkle from Graceland University started her student teaching assignment on Monday as the new semester started. She has been in the high school English classes since students returned after winter break, completing her 60-hour practicum required before student teaching begins. Ms. Runkle is majoring in English with a Secondary Education endorsement and minoring in Debate and Art. When asked what the best part about being at Central Decatur has been so far, Ms Runkle said, “The teachers are very supportive.” In her spare time, Ms. Runkle loves to read, write, and travel. She also loves video games, which has been an easy conversation starter with many students. Over the next few weeks, Ms. Runkle will slowly begin taking over English II and III, as well as Speech and the new Fictional Literature class. She is most looking forward to this last class “for all the unique books that students are going to be able to read this semester.” We are excited to welcome Ms. Runkle to our school. If you see her around, please welcome her to the CD Family!