Jan 29, 2025

FFA Members and agriculture students left early on Wednesday, September 27 to attend the South Central District FFA Soil Judging Contest. The contest, which was held in Knoxville, IA, consisted of four soil pits to be judged and a written soils exam. This contest allowed four FFA members to compete against members from across the South Central District and agriculture students to apply the knowledge that they learned in the classroom about soils. FFA members and agriculture students evaluated the soil for soil depth, texture, color, slope, landscape position, land capability, and suitability for building.
There were twenty-five teams from across the South Central District involved in the District Soil Judging Contest. Team members from the Central Trail FFA, including Morgan Havlik, Bianca Swartz, Mili Waugh, and Piper Teel, placed 5th overall, received a Gold Rating in the competition, and advanced to State Competition. They will compete at the Iowa FFA Soil Judging on Saturday, October 21 in Ames, IA.
All FFA members and agriculture students were able to use the judging contest as a hands-on assessment for their soil science class. Megan Young, Cortlynn Cook, John Newman, Leighanna Bundt, Zoey Hamilton, Isaiah Graham, Blake Boyd, Rilee Alley, Cutter Frisbie, Cooper Horton, Morgan Buckingham, Gage Hullinger, Aidyn Marvin, and Katelyn Wade were able to participate in the South Central District Soil Judging Competition, utilizing their scores as their Soil Science Evaluation Assessment!
Pictured Above (left to right): Piper Teel ’26, Mili Waugh ’26, Bianca Swartz ’26, and Morgan Havlik ’26.
Pictured Below (left to right): Back Row: Zoey Hamilton ’26, John Newman ’26, Cutter Frisbie ’26, Cooper Horton ’26, Blake Boyd ’26, and Gage Hullinger ’26. Front Row: Isaiah Graham ’26, Katelyn Wade ’26, Leighanna Bundt ’26, Morgan Buckingham ’26, Rilee Alley ’26, Cortlynn Cook ’26, Megan Young ’26, and Aidyn Marvin ’26.