Jan 29, 2025

On Friday, January 19th, after the home basketball game against East Union, the Central Decatur Fellowship of Christian Athletes group hosted a gathering called Christ in the Cold. They asked head girls’ basketball coach Calieb Kistler to speak at the event, and it was a powerful one. Coach Kistler shared his journey to finding a relationship with God. Eighth grader Beau Waugh ’28 who attended the event said, “I think my favorite time was when he was talking, just hearing him talk about his life and all the problems that he faced and overcame.” After the speaker’s presentation, students had hot chocolate and treats in the commons and visited with one another. “It was a great experience with a great speaker, and I would encourage anyone to go to FCA events like Christ in the Cold!” said Freshman Taylor Leahy ’27. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes welcomes all students to their meetings and events whether they are athletes or not and whether they are followers of Christ or just interested in learning more about Him.